ini dia gambar candidku...cukup candid x??blh la kn..hehehe..
Sentiasa Berjalan Ke Hadapan Jangan sekali Mengundur Ke Belakang..Hanya Sekadar Menoleh sebagai Peringatan.
A few hour more my birthday date…but I really felt nothing…a few hour before many things happen..
Salam Takziah buat Mohd Norhadi dan Keluarga
Semoga ayahandanya ditempatkan dikalangan orang2 beriman..aminnn
~ Al – Fatihah ~
What I feel about my becoming birthday??
What I want as my birthday present??
I hope the person who I loved most will be beside me
Only that
What I want to say??
Many things happen and going to happen but for me…
I’m can only be speechless
What happen??
Only God Know as a human I’m only know when the things happen
I’m sure there will be something that God know the best for us
I’m sure about that
What is my dream about my future??
Hope can be the luckiest person in the world
To be a grandchild, daughter, sister, nephew, cousin, friend, girlfriend, fiance and also wife that can make them proud to have me in their life
Pom Pam Pom Pam iringan kompang yg blh la tahan bunyinya dari pasukan kompang mmu yang terdiri daripada abg2 yang agak hensem + ciut miut...;) sewaktu majlis perasmian yang daku pun x sure sape yang rasmikan..hehehe...
saat berganti saat huda n husna masih lg x menampakkan batang hidung diaorng...lamanya g tandas..hahahahaha...toing toing Abg Ady melompat...macam hantu pocong..x dela gurau je..dia menampakkan hidungnya yang mancung itu smbil tersengih memanggilku S*****....x dilayan...hahaha..huda n husna pun sama..datang sambil tersengih...Abg Ady, S***** ambik la ni...wawawawawawa..nak nangis...dapat bungaaaa...yeeeepiiiii...
Penunggu jalan PD
Mama Vivi
Sepatutnya minggu lpas kami myerang A'Famosa Resort malnagnya x jadi disebabkan assingment n our BFF balik...Nana n Husna pulang ke KL..manakala Abg Ady plak ke Kenduri di Kuantan..ermmm..tingggal la kami berdua di sini..minggu depan ada muhibah dinner anjuran UPG..semua ber semangat tuk melaram namun x kurang jgk ada yg mula penat berangan n mula give up..daku??biasa2 je mcm pergi kelas kott..pape pun tunggu la nanti apa yg terjadi malam itu.
Nana Comel
7 /7 : Ulangtahun Kelahiran Angah Yg Ke 18
cian nana nasib baik x de yg cedera teruk..
ermm..cuti dah nak start..
time to going back home!!!
p/s : Thanks dear coz masak ms fia x sihat aritu..next time nak mkn lg..
helo friends..
today i'm started to create a blog again..
i'm thinking that today is a right time to become blogger..hahaha
why i'm said create blog "again"???
bcoz my last blog i'm forgot the password ( huhu )..
Actually i'm juz came back from wafiq besday party..
i'm enjoyed tonight..
HAPPY BIRTHDAY 19 to Wafiq..
hope you will become a good boy..
success in your life.
don't play2..hehehe..
enjoy the last year "remaja"..
ingat pesan akak ni...
seem my eyes become smaller n smaller i know it's time to zzzzzzzzzz..
tomorrow got class at 8 a.m..
THANKS AGAIN TO ALL MY "naughty adik2" for your cooperation..